More drone videos

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I have posted a few images and a bit of video from my drone photography recently and several people have asked me to post some more videos to go with some of the still images. I am still learning to fly this quadracopter and just beginning to learn to edit videos, so please bear with me on the video quality. Here is a short video of the Beaufort, SC waterfront showing pictures of downtown Beaufort, SC and the Beaufort River and intracoastal waterway.

This second video is just a quick clip that shows the reactions of a group of people when they saw that I was flying a drone with a camera! I think it is quite fun.

Soon, I’ll start a bit more fancy video editing and will put some music to the videos, along with photographs from more varied locations. This is a fun and interesting break form the commercial photography that I normally do. I do have a commercial photography job coming up soon where I will be using my drone camera and will be posting those when they are done and delivered.

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