Ariel and son

 In Lifestyle, Lifestyle Photography, Photography, Uncategorized

lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos Ariel and her son during a holiday photo shoot.

Last year I did a “mom and child” photo shoot with friend, photographer and former assistant, Ariel, and her son. Somehow, I never got the images up on a blog and felt it was too long after the holiday season to post them. Well, now it is that time of year again and wanted to share some of our favorites. We are planning another session soon, and there is even a new baby sister in the family now, so you may be seeing pictures of everyone photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,This was a really fun shoot. Ariel is always a joy to photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,lifestyle photography, mother and mom photos,

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